What We Provide
While focusing on the whole person, those who seek services will have a team to manage their healthcare needs and to connect individuals and families to support and resources that address medical, housing, employment, and other important needs. Services include individual and group therapy, case management, peer support services, primary care screenings, crisis services, psychiatric services, and family support.
To receive services, please download and complete our application form.
Crisis Services
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Hawai’i CARES 988 – Hawai’i CARES is a free crisis, mental health and substance use call center that operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Crisis Mobile Outreach – Available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to provide immediate triage, telephonic stabilization, mobile outreach, and face-to-face stabilization services to individuals in an active state of psychiatric crisis.
Screening, Diagnosis and Risk Assessment
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All new clients seeking services receive screening, diagnosis, and a risk assessment. Our Qualified Mental Health Professional will conduct an initial evaluation and a comprehensive person-centered and family-centered diagnostic and treatment planning evaluation.
Outpatient Mental Health Services
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Outpatient therapy may include individual and/or group therapy designed to address symptoms that interfere with functioning in one or more life domains such as familial, social, educational or occupational.
Services may also include medication-assisted treatment, the use of medication, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.
Adult Outpatient Mental Health & Substance Use Services
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We provide an array of services that are provided to the individual in an outpatient clinic setting.
Child/Adolescent & Adult Outpatient Mental Health & Substance Use Services
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Children and adolescents are treated by a multidisciplinary team using family/caregiver-driven, youth guided, and developmentally appropriate approach. Services are person-centered and comprehensively address family/caregiver, school, medical, mental health, substance abuse, psychosocial, and environmental issues.
Person- and Family-Centered Treatment Planning
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Person and family centered treatment planning integrates prevention, medical and behavioral health needs and service delivery to fit a client’s individual needs. This also includes coordinating community support like housing, employment, and social supports, and services to ensure that treatment is accessible.
Peer, Family Support, and Counselor Services
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Direct support services for individuals and families impacted by substance use disorder and adverse mental and behavioral health outcomes is very much needed. Our therapies are individually designed yet are inclusive of family members and provide support to challenges of living with someone with behavioral health concerns.
Our counseling program includes individual, group, and family therapy, and psycho-education interventions designed to promote self-efficacy and build independent living skills.
Targeted Case Management
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Our multidisciplinary team provides high-quality targeted case management services that will assist individuals in sustaining recovery, and gaining access to needed medical, social, legal, educational, and other services and support.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
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Community-Based Mental Health Care for Veterans
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Services for active duty members of the military, their families, and veterans include providing treatment and recovery services to address behavioral health concerns and substance use disorders.
What to Expect When You Visit
Thank you for taking this important first step. The decision to get help takes a great deal of strength and courage.

Call (808) 984-2150 or email [email protected] to request an appointment. Someone will get back to you within one business day. You can also walk into a clinic, but you may have to wait for an available provider.

Before your visit, you or a parent/guardian (if you are under the age of 14) will need to complete a new client application. If you would like to save time on the day of your visit, you can download the application and complete the application before your appointment.

Please bring a photo ID, so that we can make copies for your medical record. If you do not have a photo ID, please bring documentation that you are a Hawaii resident. You should also bring your insurance card if you have one, but insurance is not required.

After your initial assessment appointment, you and our team will design a comprehensive treatment plan to fit your goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions about what to expect.
What services do you offer?
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Our services include individual and group therapy, case management, peer support services, primary care screening referrals, crisis services, psychiatric services, and family support.
What ages do you offer services to?
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We work with individuals and families of all ages. Our services are designed for children, families, transition aged youth, adults and the elderly.
How do I receive services?
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If you are interested in CCBHC services, you can call (808) 984-2150 or walk in and speak to one of our care coordinators. We also offer 24-hr emergency services through our statewide crisis hotline by dialing or texting 988. In short, there is no wrong door.
Are you open in the evenings or on weekends?
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Yes! To accommodate individuals’ work and/or school schedules, we offer extended clinic hours several days per week as well as weekend hours availability.
Is telehealth available?
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Yes. For more information, call (808) 984-2150 or walk in and speak to one of our care coordinators.
What does treatment cost?
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Treatment consists of an individualized program where the total cost of treatment depends upon the services provided.
After the initial assessment appointment, our team can assist in confirming benefits with your insurance provider and determining an approximate out-of-pocket expense. You will be billed according to our current fee schedule and are responsible for co-pays, deductibles and any other costs not reimbursed by your insurance carrier.
If you do not have insurance we can still help. We serve anyone in need of care, regardless of ability to pay. We have a sliding fee available for clients who are not insured, based on income and dependents.
What insurance do you accept?
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We work with all insurance providers to facilitate the greatest benefit from your coverage. We accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most private insurance. In some cases, we can offer a sliding scale fee to help offset treatment costs.
What is my co-pay?
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For clients who would like to use their private insurance to cover the cost of treatment, we can attempt to verify coverage and benefits. Your copay is dependent on the coverage you have with your insurance provider and your established copay amount with them.
What if I don’t have insurance?
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Where are you located?
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Maui County with clinic locations on the islands of Maui, Molokai, and Lana’i. See clinic locations.
Do you provide services in languages other than English?
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We recognize that our island communities are made up of diverse populations with diverse ethnicities. As such, we work with an external provider to provide interpreter and / or translation services. Please inform the care coordinator you are working with that you would like a translator.
Our Team of Dedicated Providers
Channing State, M.D.
Psychiatrist – Branch Medical Director
Kathleen Iannitello, M.D.
Psychiatrist – Outpatient
Laurie Nadal, M.D.
Psychiatrist – Outpatient
Laurie Nadal, M.D.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist – Outpatient
Suwan McGrath
Advanced Practice Registered
Nurse – Psychiatry
Francis Carmel
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse – Family Nurse Practitioner
Sarah Bolis, M.D.
Adult Psychiatrist – Outpatient
Wilma Batino
Licensed Practical Nurse II
Loida Sanchez
Licensed Practical Nurse II
Ryan Adell, M.D.
Adult, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Amandine Maury
Mental Illness/Substance Abuse